Community Acupuncture is a social-business model that aims to increase patient access to acupuncture by offering treatments in a group setting. Because you are sharing the space and the time you essentially share the cost, which is how we are able to make our treatments more affordable. Our affordable sliding-scale allows people to receive treatment at the dosage (or frequency) needed to get good results. We are part of a movement of community acupuncture clinics located all over the world that are committed to growing sustainable, affordable and effective healthcare.
things to know & what to expect
Are you new to ToCA?
Before starting a course of in-person treatment, we will meet by video or phone for an initial intake appointment. Why do we do our consultations virtually? In order to stay on time while seeing multiple people per hour we need to streamline things in the clinic, including our conversations, which we limit to about 5 minutes at the start of each session. We also need to talk in hush voices so we do not disturb people who are already resting in the room.
During our chat:
Please email us to set this up. Alternatively, you can create a profile in our online booking system and add yourself to the waitlist for the specific days that you are available. You will have full access to the online calendar for booking the recommended acupuncture visits after this initial meeting.
Have you been to ToCA before?
Whenever we haven't seen a patient for 6 months or more, we recommend booking an online check-in before resuming acupuncture visits so we can decide how best to support your health needs. This allows time to explore your reasons for coming in, and update you on any changes in our operations. Online intakes really help us to guide the direction of the treatment for you as well as keeping the clinic flow smooth. If you haven't been to the new clinic, and don't have full access to the online calendar yet, email us to set this up. Otherwise, you can schedule a pre-acupuncture consultation via the online booking system.
For initial consultations
Fill out a health history form. The booking system will prompt you to fill out a form if it is your first time, or if you haven't been to the clinic for a while. All details about your health - even if they seem unconnected to your main concern - can be helpful to us in customizing your treatment and working as a team. We also appreciate it if you can email us a picture of your tongue before your appointment. An instructional video is sent out ahead of your appointment to explain the fine art of tongue selfies!
For acupuncture appointments
Fill out the self-health screening and review the checklist of things to remember for your visit the day before your appointment. Let us know as soon as possible if you have active/acute upper respiratory or GI symptoms. A rule of thumb is that once your symptoms have been clearly improving for at least 48 hours it's OK to come in. If in doubt, please check in with us by email. We will ask you to mask up if you have lingering upper respiratory or allergy symptoms. Please ask for a mask if you have been exposed to infectious illness in your home, workplace or community.
If you are feeling hungry or thirsty, be sure to have a snack and drink some water ahead of your visit. You may also want to stop drinking coffee at least an hour beforehand, especially if you find it hard to sit still and relax during the treatment.
Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Loose pants and a shirt that can easily roll up to elbows and knees are appreciated as the majority of the acupuncture points we use are on the lower arms, lower legs, hands and feet. There is no undressing in the shared treatment space. There are heating pads at each station but we invite you to bring a shawl or blanket for your upper body if you tend to get cold. For individual sessions we may have you remove some clothing but will always provide covers, drapes, and a heat source, when needed, to keep you appropriately covered and warm.
You should arrive 5 minutes early so that we can aim to start your treatment on time. The door to the clinic will be locked. Please knock to let us know you have arrived.
We have cubbie shelves for bike helmets, bags, etc., but we recommend keeping your valuables with you. We ask that you limit what you bring into the clinic as space is limited.
Put on a pair of slippers, which are required in the treatment room, then visit the washroom to wash your hands.
Payment is processed upon arrival if you are choosing to pay in person. We greatly appreciate online payments as this helps to streamline the check-in process and keep us on schedule.
Once you are settled in your chair, we will check in to see how you are feeling and if anything has changed, feel your pulse, palpate the acupuncture channels, if necessary, and proceed with the acupuncture treatment.
We will take your needles out after about 25-35 minutes in order to keep to the schedule, allow time to sanitize chairs, bolsters, pillows and slippers before the next person arrives and limit the number of people circulating in the clinic. Once the needles are removed, we will check in with you about how the treatment felt and give guidance on booking a follow-up session.
We may also send you a survey to complete within a day or two of the treatment so you can report changes that happen even in areas or systems that we were not specifically targeting (e.g. energy, pain levels, sleep patterns, or appetite). Tracking these changes after specific point combinations helps us to understand your body better, determine what works best for you and steer your course of treatment effectively.
ToCA follows best practices for acupuncture needle safety and related procedures in accordance with our regulatory body (CTCMPAO). Since the start of the pandemic, we have implemented additional safety protocols to keep our patients and practitioners healthy and ensure that we can keep the clinic open.
We provide high quality, low-cost acupuncture. Our mission is to offer people accessible acupuncture, in support of whatever goals they may have, so it can be used in whichever way works best for them.
Since ToCA's opening in 2011, we have collectively given over 75,000 acupuncture treatments. This has allowed us to gain extensive experience with treating a variety of health conditions - chronic pain and acute injuries, digestive imbalances, fertility challenges, menstrual disorders, breech and overdue babies, migraines, insomnia, anxiety, seasonal conditions and more! We often treat symptoms that are hard to pin down to one specific cause, provide support for managing stress and offer options for preventative care and general wellness.
We offer individualized acupuncture treatments from skilled practitioners** in a safe and supportive group setting. Many people find the silent group setting very comforting. We welcome patients from all walks of life, with all kinds of health concerns in the community clinic. Affordability allows for a consistent
'dose' of acupuncture, which is key to getting good results. The community setting can often accomodate short notice visits for acute and time sensitive needs or occasional tune-ups but our treatments become more personalized for patients who visit regularly or frequently.
**All of our acupuncturists are registered with CTCMPAO
We offer acupuncture appointments in both group and private settings - the choice depends on your recommended treatment plan but also on personal preference. Some patients will benefit from periodically doing an individual session to complement or supplement their treatment plan in the community clinic.
Individual sessions provide opportunity for added body work, like cupping, tuina or gua sha, and access to local points not used in the group setting (e.g. on the back). They allow extra time for us to do additional assessment (e.g. abdominal palpation), clarify our diagnosis, and explain what we are doing. They are also an option for people with acute or time senstive concerns when the community shifts are full.
The NADA protocol is a standardized auricular (ear) acupuncture treatment that involves the placement of up to five small acupuncture needles at specific points on each ear. NADA was originally utilized in the treatment of drug withdrawal symptoms but the protocol has been adapted for use in a variety of community health settings to support stress relief, mental health, and addiction recovery. The calming effect of the NADA protocol is not only beneficial for regulating the nervous system but is also good for general wellbeing, including pain management.
Everyone receives the same set of ear points with minimal (or no) discussion of health concerns. Everyone arrives and starts their treatment at the same time, sitting quietly together for 30-40 minutes.
We offer online appointments to supplement and streamline our in-clinic work.
Online consultations are where we can discuss your health goals, assess your individual situation, and map out a treatment plan. It might include suggestions for home care such as acupressure, breathing exercises or Qi Gong (pronounced 'chee-gung') and using food and culinary herbs as medicine.
Online is also where we will periodically discuss your response to your treatment plan, and whether we need to adjust it.
Our community acupuncture visits are priced on a sliding scale. When booking an appointment, please choose between the standard or sustainer rate. Your choice doesn't affect the treatment you get, the number of needles or the duration. We will not question your decision but encourage you to pay according to your finacial ability.
We do not receive any subsidies or grants. Treatment fees pay our rent and other overheads as well as fair wages for our acupuncturists. The lower fees that we offer for community acupuncture are made possible by the group setting, and by our extensive experience in streamlining systems so that we can work efficiently in the clinic. We have never advertised, but if you know someone who could benefit from acupuncture, please spread the word!
Treatment receipts, which can be submited for insurance reimbursement** are emailed after your treatment and can be accessed online via your booking account.
**your plan must cover acupuncture services provided by practioners registered with the CTCMPAO.
Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists' day that could have been filled by another patient and impacts the clinic financially. As such, we require 48 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. If you are within the late cancel period, please EMAIL to cancel when possible.
Patients who provide less than 48 hours notice, miss their appointment, or are more than 10 minutes late and are unable to be accomodated will be charged: 50% of the session price if 24-48 hours notice is given and 100% of the session price when less than 24 hours notice is given.
Please stay home if you are sick or if you are caring for someone who is ill. The first illness-related cancellation fee is optional. If you are cancelling within 24 hours and it's within your means, please consider covering some or all of the cost of the appointment, as we often cannot fill cancelled spots at short notice.
ToCA appreciates the diversity of human beings and does not discriminate based on income level, race, nationality, body type, sexual orientation, gender identity, language or ability. We recognize that systemic racism is a public health crisis that needs to be addressed with community-led solutions. We endeavour to make ToCA a safe space where everyone in our community can come as they are and feel empowered to heal. We invite the feedback of those who experience marginalization to keep us accountable to this work.
Our team of acupuncturists (or acupunks, as we like to call ourselves in the community acupuncture scene) practice acupuncture from a trauma informed, queer and trans friendly perspective. We do our best to be sensitive to all the intersections of our patients' identities. We aim to educate ourselves and are also open to the fact that we all face different levels of privilege, and welcome all feedback on how we can do better.
Part of creating accessibility means that our practitioners work together as a team. We aim to provide continuity of care for our patients so they can confidently see any acupuncturist, as often as needed, and at the times that work for them.
Receiving acupuncture while living and working in Hong Kong is how I met the wonderful world of Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM). It was soon clear that this was a calling. Graduating in 2000, it was my encounter with the community acupuncture model a few years later which ignited my practice. Making acupuncture widely available has been a driving force in my work. Years of holding space in community clinics have given me an infinite awe for our bodies’ ability to heal, particularly when assisted by a few well-placed needles and a safe environment.
To access this innate ability to self-regulate, the first (and ongoing) step that is needed is to get out of our head and into our body. As a person who re-learns that lesson frequently, I bring my own mindfulness practice to clinic. I often see my job as helping patients to befriend and trust their bodies, whatever their health concerns.
Recently I’ve fallen back in love with the deep study of Classical Chinese herbalism and am evolving a parallel practice to offer this powerful modality to ToCA patients. Like acupuncture, it is a complete system that treats people, not diseases. And like acupuncture, it helps open a dialogue with our bodies as we find our own version of health.
My introduction to traditional medicine started with finding ways to manage the stress of completing a graduate degree in civil engineering. My personal interest in traditional medicine quickly turned academic and I began exploring how to better integrate Community Supported Medicine (CSM) into our neighborhoods. This inspired me to study and practice acupuncture and herbal medicine in a way that is affordable and community-driven. I was lucky to meet Naomi while starting my practice at the Herbal Clinic & Dispensary in 2009 and didn't think twice about collaborating to open a dedicated community acupuncture clinic.
I welcome treating a variety of health concerns, but the most common things I see are often related to ongoing stress - anxiety and depression, pain and tension, digestive upset, fatigue and trouble sleeping.
Having also trained as a doula, I am dedicated to offering reassurance, perspective, information and comfort measures throughout the pre-conception, pregnancy, birthing and postpartum journey. As a parent of two young children I am also exploring what we can do in the clinic and at home using kid friendly (non-needle) techniques to treat common childhood concerns.
I am a queer and neurodivergent registered acupuncturist who got my license in 2019. I have been very fortunate to work at ToCA since February 2020. I was born and raised in Toronto, and came to know acupuncture initially as a patient. Before acupuncture, I went to professional dance school and then studied cabinetmaking. Ultimately I was inspired by my acupuncturist to assist others on their healing journey. In my down time I like to dance, sing, play guitar, hike, garden, bake, and spend time with my rottie-lab, Axel.
I like to treat chronic pain, migraines, insomnia, fertility/pregnancy/pre-birth support for all genders, digestive conditions, PMS and menstrual disorders. Additionally, being sober, I am very passionate about harm reduction and supporting people on their mental health and addiction recovery paths through acupuncture.
In addition to the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine that I practice, I like to connect my patients to as many resources as possible, as I believe that healing is multifaceted and complex. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.
I began studying Chinese Medicine in 2020, after working as a musician and an academic translator and editor. My roots are in DIY and community spaces, and I’m thrilled to be joining ToCA, supporting the project of making acupuncture available and accessible.
I was drawn to acupuncture initially by the way it is able to see and treat physical, emotional, and mental aspects as part of an interconnected whole. While working to relieve pain, manage chronic illness, or ease complex times and transitions, it can also help us to recognize and shift underlying tensions and imbalances. I aim to meet each patients as a complex and changing individual, and to provide a space that is supportive and respectful.
As a lifelong student and a lover of nature, my practice is inspired by engagement with the classics and daily qigong practice. When I’m not hanging out with my toddler, my partner, or Lake Ontario, I’m working to incorporate body and energy work into my practice, and to learn more from this medicine’s long and diverse history.
The land on which ToCA operates has for thousands of years been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Anishinaabe peoples, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Today, this meeting place is still home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island. The colonial processes by which we came to live on this land were and are deeply unjust, and continue to cause great harm to the original people of this land. We at ToCA endeavour to be accountable to this reality, in ways that go beyond an apology or a written acknowledgement. We also seek to be guided by the traditions around healing that are passed down by Indigenous elders, and to respect the concepts and beliefs about the land and the water which grow and sustain the food and herbs that are used in traditional medicine. We welcome feedback on our efforts.